Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

The Journal of Candido Tostes Dairy Institute is an open access quarterly publication of the Candido Tostes Dairy Institute (ILCT) of Agricultural Research Company of Minas Gerais (EPAMIG). The Journal publishes scientific articles and bibliographic reviews in the area of Milk and Dairy Products that should be exclusively destined. The works must be presented in Portuguese, English, or Spanish, observing the guidelines for authors of this publication.

Papers published in the Journal of Candido Tostes Dairy Institute are classified into two categories:

a) Scientific articles: from unpublished research works, supported by the scientific method. The works must present innovation or originality, which justifies their publication.

b) Review articles: those that analyze and discuss works already published on a research topic, based on bibliographic documentation. The bibliographic references must consist of at least 70% of articles from the last 10 years published in national and international journals, being these. Articles may be accepted as long as they present a scientific contribution to the presented topic.

Submitted articles must fall under at least one of the following topics:

• Animal production, zootechnics, veterinary;

• Microbiology, hygiene;

• Fermented milk beverages, milk cultures;

• Processed cheeses;

• Cheese technology;

• Physico-chemistry, dairy chemistry;

• Concentrated and dehydrated dairy products, whey;

• Sensory analysis;

• Equipment, facilities, unit operations;

• Ice cream technology;

• UHT technology;

• Butter technology;

• Development of new products;

• Legislation, labeling;

• Milk quality;

• Environmental management, waste, and effluent treatment.



Section Policies


Política padrão de seção

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

Article submitted to the Journal will be evaluated for compliance with established editorial standards. The article may be returned if it is not properly regulated. The Editorial Board will evaluate the relevance of the manuscript. The manuscript not accepted will be returned with an appropriate justification.

Then, the article accepted to proceed in the evaluation will be evaluated by two reviewers specialized in the area. The whole process of evaluation of the article is a double-blind review. In case of rejection by one reviewer and acceptance of the other reviewer, a third reviewer will be consulted. It must be a consensus of at least two reviewers about the approval or rejection of an article. In case the article needs corrections, the author will be notified. The corrected article will return to the same reviewers to verify that the suggestions were attended. The corresponding author will be notified of the approval or rejection of the article by e-mail, with a justification of the reviewers.

The publication of articles will depend on compliance with the Editorial Standards and reports of the reviewers and the Editorial Board, if necessary. All opinions are confidential and impartial.

Published articles will be available on the journal's website for printing.

Other Information must be obtained by email revistadoilct@epamig.br


Publication Frequency

Quarterly publication frequency.


Open Access Policy

This journal offers open access content intending to provide greater global democratization of knowledge by making scientific knowledge available to the public.



Esta revista utiliza o sistema LOCKSS para criar um sistema de arquivo distribuído entre as bibliotecas participantes e permite às mesmas criar arquivos permanentes da revista para a preservação e restauração. Saiba mais...


Licença Creative Commons
Esta obra está licenciada com uma Licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional.

