Major defects in artisanal Minas cheeses manufactured in the Canastra region

Denise Sobral, Renata Golin Bueno Costa, Junio César Jacinto de Paula, Vanessa Aglaê Martins Teodoro, Gisela de Magalhães Machado Moreira, Maximiliano Soares Pinto


This study was carried out in 24 cheese farms of artisanal Minas cheese in
Canastra region. Using a questionnaire, it was aimed to know the main problems foundin the artisanal Minas cheeses in this region, so that solutions could be proposed. The average daily volume of milk for the production of Artisanal Minas cheese in the cheese farms was 360 liters, and the average production of cheese was 36 pieces of 1 kilo per day. Taking into account the volume of milk and the quantity of cheese
produced per day, the average yield was 10L / kg. The rind main defects reported were: coarse rind, mold presence (dark or black mold), cracked rind, different colors (parts more yellow than others), cracks and white spots. Concerning flavor aspects, it was reportedrancid flavor, blazing, bitter and sour tastes. The sour taste reported by the producers was related to early blowing with gas formation, a defect described in 19 of the 24 questionnaires applied. Solutions to the major defects reported have
been proposed and described in this article. It has also been verified that most of the cheese producers did not follow the minimum maturation period of 22 days required by de legislation and marketed the cheese still fresh.


blowing, rancidity, gas, contamination



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