Kefir ice cream with jabuticaba and strawberry pulp

Lidia Betina Hendges Pletsch, Joseana Severo, Gislaine Hermanns, Leidi Daiana Preichardt


The growing consumer demand for differentiated foods, which in addition to performing their basic functions, also have health benefits to consumers, has led to the development of new food products. Therefore, an innovative edible ice cream was developed using fermented kefir milk added with the pulp of jabuticaba and strawberry. Physicochemical and microbial analysis were performed after 60 days of storage at -2 °C. The elaborated edible ice cream showed significant levels of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity, as well as significant values for lactic acid bacteria (1.0x108 CFU.g-1) and molds and yeasts (7.6x107 CFU.g-1) during the storage period. The sensorial analysis of the product, performed at 0, 30 and 60 days of storage, revealed acceptability of more than 80% in texture, odor, taste and color attributes. It is concluded that the product may be a promising alternative in the supply of foods with functional potential, maintaining sensorial and microbiological quality during the 60 days of storage.


innovation; lactic acid bacteria; functional foods; sensory analysis; antioxidant activity.


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