Study of Mozzarella cheese behavior during refrigerated storage

Thamara Evangelista Silva, Thamiris Evangelista Silva, Lismaíra Gonçalves Caixeta Garcia, Priscila Alonso dos Santos


This study was carried out to evaluate the behavior of high moisture Mozzarella cheese during 60 days of storage at 7° C in BOD incubator for microbiological quality, physicochemical composition, functional properties, and texture profile. The cheeses were purchased in a dairy industry from the city of Rio Verde, GO. The study was performed for 60 days at 20 days intervals between analysis. In order to evaluate if the changes occurred during storage time were significant, the analysis of variance was performed, and the means of the different storage days were compared by the Tukey test at 95% confidence. The results indicated hygienic-sanitary quality in the production of cheeses. The physicochemical composition was influenced by time only in the pH values and protein content; however, they were in accordance with studies already performed. The functional properties of the cheeses were influenced by the storage time, only the free oil content remained stable. The color analysis of the cheeses showed values tending to yellow coloration throughout the storage period. As the primary and secondary proteolysis increased, there was also an increase in the melting capacity and changes in the texture parameters. Mozzarella cheese was suitable for consumption with a storage period of 60 days at 7°C, and the changes that have occurred are acceptable and required because this cheese is commonly used in pizzas.


psychrotrophic microorganisms, proteolysis, shelf life.


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