Physical-chemical characteristics of butter marketed in the supply center of Vitória da Conquista - BA

Edson de Melo Nunes Junior, Lorena Alves de Souza, Marcelo Silva Brito, Milton Resende Teixeira Neto, Ada Azevedo Barbosa, Renata Ferreira Santana


Butter is a product obtained by the process of batting the cream that is a result of the skimming of the cow's milk. A common food, however, much appreciated, especially among the Brazilian northeastern, due to its consumption in bread, biscuits and other types of preparations. Commonly marketed in open markets and produced in a traditional way, this food is not always supported with the correct care in its processing, which tends to compromise the quality of this product, whether in consistency, composition, solidification or flavor, characteristics that it must have to be consumed. Because of this, this article aimed to evaluate the physicochemical characteristics of the butter samples that are commercialized in the Central of Supply of the city of Vitória da Conquista, Bahia. Thirty common butter samples were collected from 10 different stalls. They were evaluated for moisture content, acidity index, fat content and non-fat solids. The samples showed non-compliance with the legislation regarding moisture content (14.9% to 20.5%) and acidity (4.95 to 7.06 mmol NaOH/100 g of fat). However, the results of non-fat solids (0.001% to 0.052%) and fat content (81.25% to 86.40%) were within the limits permitted by law. Thus, given the above results, it was noted that the samples analyzed do not present adequate conditions for consumption, confirming the need to improve control and inspection in the production and storage of butter, aiming to obtain a safe and quality product for the consumer.


quality standard, conservation, composition.


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