Comparative study of the efficacy of sanitizers through the technique of ATP bioluminescence in hygienic systems cleaning clean-in-place (CIP)

Adbeel de Lima Santos, Luiz Carlos Gonçalves Costa Junior, Vanessa Aglaê Martins Teodoro, Maximiliano Soares Pinto, Paulo Henrique Costa Paiva, Amanda Tafuri Paniago Passarinho, Lívia Beatriz Almeida Fontes


The ATP- bioluminescence method was used for evaluation of hygienic procedures cleaning CIP of homogenizator, with different sanitizer in an industry of dairy products of Juiz de Fora - MG. The efficacy of the process was compared based on the use of Chlorine Dioxide stabilized in aqueous solution, sodium hypochlorite, peracetic acid and Iodophor. The results obtained allowed to conclude that the chlorine dioxide and the peracetic acid possess the same efficacy. The same happens with the sodium hypochlorite and the iodophor, however, these were not efficacies in the analyzed conditions.



dairy, sanitization, chlorine dioxide, bioluminescence, ATP.


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