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The Journal of Candido Tostes Dairy Institute (Revista do Instituto de Laticínios Cândido Tostes) prioritizes quality and ethical commitment in publication.

1 Publication and authorship

The article must present, as its last item, the list of references consulted and cited by the authors. Responsibility for the accuracy of the references rests with the authors.

Authors should cite in the manuscript sources of research support or indication of funding related to the work to be published in the Acknowledgments item.

For the submission of the article, all authors must sign the Term of Agreement and Assignment of Graphic Reproduction Rights, to ensure that the manuscript is original and, regardless of the language, it has not been submitted to other journals or journals with the same purpose. The authors also recognize in this term that there is no fraudulent data or plagiarism.

2 Responsibilities of Authors

According to the editorial policy of ILCT Journal, all manuscripts are evaluated anonymously (double-blind) and evaluated by the peer review process, that is, by two members of the ad hoc Review Board, according to the area of activity of these professionals, who issue their opinions.

The ILCT Journal considers as authors those who have contributed effectively, intellectually and/or scientifically, to the accomplishment of the work. The Term of Agreement and Assignment of Graphic Reproduction Rights must be signed by all authors, for the submission of the article, in which they ensure that the results are true, authentic, and original. Authors acknowledge that they will be required to provide retractions or error corrections regarding the article, if necessary, and that they are responsible for plagiarism.

The authors are responsible for the spelling review of the submitted works.

3 Peer review and the responsibility of reviewers

The evaluation of the article must be objective, in which the reviewers must express their points of view supported by arguments, without unpleasant or offensive comments.

Articles must be treated as confidential documents. The entire article evaluation process takes place anonymously (blind review), that is, without authorship in the manuscript for the reviewers and the identification of the reviewers for the authors.

The reviewer must communicate to the editors any conflict of interest that may prevent an impartial opinion on the article to be evaluated. In this case, the reviewer must return the manuscript and declare himself unqualified to review it.

Although articles are submitted for plagiarism inspection by the editor of the ILCT Journal, if the reviewer is aware of any similarity between the submitted manuscript and another published article, the reviewer must notify the editor to protect the journal.

4 Editorial Responsibilities

Editors have the authority and responsibility to reject or accept an article based on arguments that will be sent to the author for knowledge. The editor may appeal to the Editorial Board to decide on the approval or rejection of an article.

The editor must preserve the identity of authors and reviewers anonymously and treat manuscripts as confidential documents.

The publication of articles by the editors must be guided by the adequacy and quality of the manuscript for the Journal, without external interference.

There should be no conflict of interest concerning rejected and accepted articles. If the editor has any conflict of interest of any nature, he must inform the editor-in-chief, who will forward it to another editor.

The article will be accepted by the editor when it is corrected. However, if errors are found in the articles after publication, the editor will publish the correction or retraction.

5 Ethical Issues

Decisions by the Editorial Board will not be influenced by commercial considerations or any source of income.

Articles submitted to the ILCT Journal are considered confidential while under review. The ILCT Journal maintains the integrity of its record.

The Journal is committed to intellectual standards and ethical principles and is willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when necessary. Concerning ethical complaints about a submitted manuscript or published article, the editor will take the necessary steps to investigate the complaint.

 6 Privacy Statement

 The personal information provided in the user registry of this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, not being made available for other purposes or external audiences.


* This statement is based on the recommendations of Elsevier and the Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors of the Committee on Publication Ethics - COPE.

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