Microbiological and physicochemical characterization of milk according to the seasons

Rafael Fagnani, Ana Paula Pavão Battaglini, Vanerli Beloti, Josiane Schuck, Felipe Nael Seixas, Paulo Eduardo Carraro


The seasons have a major influence on milk production, especially when animals are exposed to climatic variations. This situation is very common in Brazil and further investigation is needed to understand the losses caused by oscillations in milk constituents. The aim was to evaluate how seasonality can affect the physicochemical and microbiological quality of raw milk in Ivaiporã region, state of Paraná, Brazil. In this research, the milk from properties in northern Paraná was evaluated during 24 months for lactose, protein, fat, total solids, total bacteria count and somatic cell count. The regional rainfall and average temperature recorded at each station were analyzed for determination of Thermal Comfort Index and evaluation of heat stress. This study concluded that seasonality have influence on microbiological and physicochemical quality of milk in Ivaiporã region, with higher percentages of solids in the fall and inferior microbiological quality in the spring.


seasons; fat; solids, protein, TBC; SCC.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.14295/2238-6416.v69i3.311


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